Hi! my name is Sarita Kovatana.

Chef for Change was created at the end of 2020, after I worked in an organic vegetable farm in Sweden. I had first-hand experience of 'Food Beauty Standards' problem which creating food surplus from the upstream food supply chain. These surplus sometime end up as food waste creating Methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.

I've always had passion for food and cooking since I was young, but I gave up all animal products in 2019 as I no longer want to be a part of the cruelty and suffering. Then I learned that animal-based food production also highly contribute environmental impact.

I want to tell the world about all these issues and initiate change through food and my cooking.

I am attending the vegan nutritionist training at ecodemy!

Follow me on my plant-based journey and let me show you how food can transform your life.

My Values

I am committed to living an authentic life. I embrace each moment with mindfulness and openness, fostering genuine connections and meaningful experiences. I share my personal plant-based journey, delivering knowledge that empowers individuals and families to nurture their well-being from within.

Drawing from my expertise in plant-based culinary, nutrition, and sustainability, I provide a harmonious blend of knowledge and practical skills. Through a holistic approach, I aim to empower everyone to embrace nourishment that aligns with nature, fostering growth and vitality at every stage of life.

As a firm believer in self-sufficiency, I prioritize learning practical skills that contribute to my well-being. Whether it's cooking nutritious meals from scratch, tending to a garden, or handmaking everyday items, these skills enhance my self-reliance and reduce dependency on external sources.